Venture Infrastructure Scheme
In starting up an innovation business there could be a need for infrastructure which the immature business would normally be unable to get credit for. That infrastructure could be premises, fixtures and fittings, specialised equipment and so on. This scheme is intended to provide a potential solution to this problem.
Although each venture is likely to be different the main point of principle in the operation of this Scheme is that it will be at arm’s length from the venture. It will be an investment by this Scheme and will be subject to a contractual agreement on the terms. Naturally, due to the early stage of the venture, there will be risk which the Scheme will have to bear. But it is hoped that Melete’s prior involvement with the venture will put it in a helpful place to understand that and value it appropriately.
There is no specific limit to the amount invested under this scheme.
This Scheme will be judged on a broad view of how the Infrastructure Investments have contributed to Melete’s overall objectives. That will include the financial success of the investments but also the degree to which they enabled an innovative enterprise delivering social good to emerge.